Miyabi Murata, Director-General, organized policy presentations at the UN University on the issues of and the policies for Nigeria for UN conferences to be held in New York in March.

The presentation session was opened by Ms. Kaoru Nemoto, Director of the UN Information Center who commented on the policy presentations in the morning with Professor Lori Zenuk-Nishide, Vice Director, International Office and Associate Professor of Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste also observed the presentations in the afternoon.

Ayaka MINAMI: General Assembly 2nd committee
“Promoting Access to Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development”
Hiroki FUNAKUBO: General Assembly 1st committee
“The Threat of Transnational Organized Crime to International Security”
Haruka OYAMA: Human Rights Council
“Effects of Terrorism on the Enjoyment of Human Rights”

Kohei MIMURA: Commission on Narcotic Drug
“Addressing Drug Trafficking and the Financing of Terrorism”
Tokio UENOYAMA: General Assembly 4th committee
“Comprehensive Review of Special Political Missions and the Future of UN Peacekeeping and Peace Operations”
Ryota UEOKA: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
“Education for All: Strengthening Rural Education”

Wataru KINOSHITA: Security Council
“Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts”
Yuhong CHEN: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
“Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Development for Poverty Reduction”
Rie KURITA: Programme of Action on Small and Light Weapons Biennial Meeting of States
“Incorporating Gender-Sensitive Approaches in the Implementation of the Programme of Action”