[Diplomacy] 2011年10月19日 国連と日本外交の現状と展望(外務省総合外交政策局参事官 宮島昭夫様)

 On 19 October 2011, Mr. Akio Miyajima, Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a lecture in the Sky Hall.
 Firstly he explained about problems about the United Nations and the world globalizing rapidly, used Ban Ki-moon U.N. Secretary General speech. Secondly, he talked about diplomacy between Japan and UN, and presented the support from each country when the East Japan great earthquake disaster occurred on March 11. Furthermore, He spoke, being related to a speech of Prime Minister Noda, importance of the contribution to the global community as thanks to support.
 Then, he referred to problems such as the human and finance contribution of Japan to the United Nations, and at last, he advised to students who want to become UN staffs.
(Mai Kato)

(加藤 舞)

※尚、この日の講義で宮島参事官が使用したPower Point(R)スライドは、こちらから閲覧・ダウンロードすることが出来ますので、宜しければご覧下さい。

**You can see and download the Power Point(R) slides which Mr. Akio Miyajima used in that lecture HERE.