Ambassador Ventia Sebundandi lists home grown solutions that have contributed to rapid recovery and growth since the genocide of 1994 and responds to critical questions about governance.

The seminar provided the participants with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of the socio-economic development that Rwanda has achieved during the last two and half decades and challenges it is facing.
Ambassador Ventia Sebundandi explained “Home Grown Solutions” which consisted of restorative justice instead of retributive justice. The restorative justice mechanism included Gacaca Courts and Abunzi/Medication Committees. It also included national unity and reconciliation commission, civic education, peacebuilding and conflict management, communication and information campaigns as well as leadership retreat called UMWIHERERO and national dialogue, UMUSHYIKIRANO.
Mr. Tomoyuki Naito, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency followed the Rwandan Ambassador and explained significant development that took place in agriculture and internet infrastructure of Rwanda.