[IntOrg] 2011年10月18日 ILOのディーセント・ワークを全ての人に(ILO駐日事務所代表 長谷川真一様)

 On 18th October 2011, Mr. Hasegawa Shinichi, Director of ILO Office in Japan, gave us a lecture on “ILO and Asia, Decent Work”, and explained activities of ILO toward natural disasters.
 In particular, Mr. Hasegawa mentioned ILO coping with Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, also he explained ILO is technical assistance to some countries such as Sri Lanka. And as he lecture, emphasized “Decent Work for All” based on setting international labor standard, monitoring system of the standard, and international technical cooperation program. After exposition of “Decent Work for All”, Mr. Hasegawa commented his personal opinions about “foreign labors”, “immigrants”, and “Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Actions toward the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour”. Moreover, Mr. Hasegawa expounded changes of global labor market with china economic growth.
 Finally, he mentioned the importance of 4 strategic objectives of Decent Work by ILO and also about Decent Work of Japan in the future.
(Minshik KIM)
