[NEWS] 日米共催「平和維持活動幹部職員養成コース」GPOI Senior Mission Leadership Training Course

 米国政府のグローバル平和活動イニシャティブ(Global Peace Operations Initiatives -GPOI)の一環として、日米共催の平和維持活動幹部職員の養成コースが9月5日より16日まで外務省で開催された。外務省からは総合政策局 石井正文審議官が開会と閉会の辞を述べ、島田丈裕・杉浦正俊国際平和協力室長、山崎主席事務官、藤澤事務官が運営にあたられた。

 As part of the Global Peace Operations Initiatives (GPOI), Japan and the United States co-organized its second Senior Mission Leadership (SML) training program for two weeks from September 5 to 16 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo.
 The training course was conducted by Gen. Patrick Commart of the Netherlands and Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa as senior mentors along with General Agwai of Nigeria and Former Minister Elisabeth Rehn of Finnland. Among participants were Mr. Uramoto, Deputy Director General of UNIDO, Ms Futamura, WFP Representative in India, Mr. Kondo, UNDP Country Director in Chad, Ms. Ikegame, Chief for Africa Coordination Office at UN Headquarters, Ms Yanagisawa, Director of JICA and Mr. Nawatame of the Minstry of Defense of Japan.