Ten students from Japanese universities met at Aoyama Gakuin University and made their policy presentations for critical review.

Policy presentations were made on Saturday, 11March 2017 at Aoyama Gakuin University in Shibuya City, Tokyo, for critical review by diplomatic staff and academic professionals. The commentators consisted of Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, Director of Academic Exchange and Cooperation of the United Nations Association of Japan, Mr. James O’Leary, Consular Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Professor Shintaro Kurachi, Faculty of Economics, Keio University, and Professor Chizu Arashima, Associate Professor of tbe Kobe Gakuin University.

Following opening remarks made by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa and Mr. James O’Leary, Mr. Wataru Kinoshita, Head-delegate of Japan Model United Nations to NMUN-NY explained how the presentations will be made and discussed.
She is addressing such issues as (a) ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in society and development; (b) promoting social and economic inclusion of refugee, and (c) social dimensions of the new partnership for Africa’s development
(a) The Role of Science and Technology in International Security and Disarmament
(b) Global Nuclear Disarmament and
(c) Increasing Women’s Role in Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
The subject matter of his presentation consists of implementing the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, harnessing the Green Economy to Eradicate Poverty (SDG 1) and designing Effective Policies and Institutions to Reduce Inequalities (SDG 10).

Her presentation covers youth leadership and education for sustainable development, ensuring decent work for all, and the role of science, technology, and innovation in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.
She will be dealing with issues related to (a) promoting livelihoods and education for refugees and displaced persons; (b) addressing protracted displacement and (c) environmental migration and the future of displacement.
Her topics are (a) Promoting the Social Inclusion of Children, (b) Strengthening Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Youth Offenders and (c) Education in Emergencies.
She will cover (a) promoting sustainable and resilient Urbanization through information and communications technology, (b) ensuring access to adequate water, (c) sanitation, and hygiene to promote urban health, and (c) eliminating urban slums and ensuring access to adequate housing.
Ms. Fukata will address (a) mobilizing inclusive partnerships for sustainable development, (b) investing in sustainable energy for rural areas, (c) promoting sustainable peace by addressing the root causes of conflict.
The subject matters include (a) improving coordination in humanitarian response to natural disasters and other emergencies, (b) preventing violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and (c) promoting rights and strengthening protections for older persons.